Mental health issues often begin in adolescence, which can cause a lot of concern and confusion for not only the young person but also their parents, loved ones, teachers, and coaches—what is happening with the child? Why is it happening? What should be done? How can they help? Even when external help, such as a psychologist, is found for the young person, the parent, loved one, teacher, or coach may still feel alone with their questions. The goal of this training is to provide basic knowledge that answers these questions. The training covers mental health issues in general, but the knowledge is also applicable to various psychological disorders. In addition to theory, the training provides opportunities for practical learning: an exercise for analyzing one’s own mental health and practicing communication techniques through role-playing.
The goal of the training is to provide a simple introduction to what mental health means, what contributes to its deterioration and improvement, and how parents can support their child beyond seeking professional help.
The training will be beneficial for anyone who interacts with young people in their daily life.
The total duration of the training is agreed upon with the client, and the training can be conducted either in person or online.
A training certification will be issued to those who attend the training.