You can change or cancel appointments up to one day before the appointment. If the client does not show up or does not inform of not showing up at least 24 hours before the appointment then they are obliged to pay in full for the registered appointment.

To book a primary or recurring appointment for a mental health specialist, you must first turn our reception via the contacts below:

– via e-mail:

– via phone: +372 56 297 411

You can register and cancel appointments via phone every workday between 9.00-17.00.

If we are not answering the phone, please send us a text message or an e-mail. You will be contacted at the earliest convenience (during one work day).

To confirm a booked appointment, we will send the client an advance invoice. The invoice is issued by our assistants during the booking process and has to be paid before the appointment. Katriito has the right to cancel an appointment when the invoice is not paid in time.