The idea of founding Katriito Ltd. came from the founders’ long-term experience of working as self-employed entrepreneurs. Toivo Niiberg and Kaia Kastepõld-Tõrs both offered psychology training courses to varied audiences. The founding of a training centre linked several trainers and their different experiences. One of the main motivators for creating a psychology focused training centre was the need for a more individual approach to counselling and therapy than was available at the time working inside the hospital system. The goal was to provide a quality service by a professional team in a cozy and comfortable environment where the client can feel safe to share their concerns and troubles. Katriito Ltd. has been active in Tartu since 2008. Katriito was originally located in the historic Karlova district at Tähe street. Slowly, but surely, the workload and needs of the centre were growing and by the year 2010, the counselling and therapy centre expanded and moved to Vanemuise street. In 2013, Katriito moved again to the Tartu Biotechnology Park at Tiigi 61b. By 2020, the workload and team had grown so large that they moved to even bigger premises at the Tartu Health Centre at Mõisavahe 34c, where we can still be found today. In April 2022, Katriito expanded their operations to Tallinn at Lõõtsa 8a. The Republic of Estonia Health Board has granted Katriito Ltd. the authorisation to provide healthcare services – L04723.
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Mental health specialists - who's who?
There are different specialists in the field of mental health – each one helps in their own way. That is why it is useful to know how to differentiate between them and how each specialist could help you specifically. Below, we explain what each type of mental health specialists specialises in.
Who is a psychologist?
A psychologist is a mental health specialist who has acquired a specialised higher education and is proficient with psychodiagnostics, counselling and psychotherapy. A psychologist is a common term for various specialists in the field of psychology. In practice, psychologists specialise in different areas, such as in practicing clinical psychology, counselling or specific psychotherapies.
Psychologists can also be researchers who study how psychological processes work. Practicing specialists can use their research expertise to help their client find solutions to their problems in the most effective and safe way.
Who is a clinical psychologist?
A clinical psychologist is a specialist who has acquired a master’s degree in psychology and a clinical psychologist’s certificate. Clinical psychologists are specialised in recognising and evaluating mental disorders as well as identifying the need for prevention. When trained in psychotherapy they can also help treat mental health disorders.
Who is a peer support worker?
A peer support worker is a specialist who has completed peer support training and traineeship and who has worked through their own experience of recovery from a personal crisis. They can provide support and counselling to clients who are going through similar crises.
Who is a psychiatrist?
Who is a family therapist?
A family therapist is a specialist who has completed family therapy training and traineeship. Family therapists can help with various family and relationship problems, including mental health problems.
Who is a mental health nurse?
A mental health nurse is a specialist who has acquired an education in nursing and who has thorough specialised knowledge of mental health problems and the skills to help take care of clients and their families. Mental health nurses work in hospitals and in private clinics either independently or as a part of a medical team. They have specialised skills and knowledge to work with various mental and behavioural disorders and they can also help with prevention.
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