Clinical Psychologist | PsychologistCounsellor

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I have acquired a BA and MA degree in psychology from Tartu University. PsühholoogI have worked as a psychologist since 2017, starting out at the NGO as a volunteer web-counsellor and a member of the board. Before Katriito, I worked at Elva Hospital and Põlva Hospital rehabilitation teams, at the Tartu Counselling and Crisis Aid Centre and Tartu Sexual Health Consultancy. I joined Katriito in 2019 . Currently I am working as a trainee clinical psychologist under the supervision of Mart Juursoo and in the Tartu University Hospital general psychiatry ward.

It is important for me to constantly improve myself via training courses and working through professional literature. The most important training courses that I have completed: Motivational interviewing (intermediate; 2016/17), Schema therapy (various trainings, conference), Introduction into cognitive behavioural therapy (2016/17), Evidence-based CBT interventions for working with persistent pain and somatic conditions (2020), Psychological research and conceptualisation of anxiety disorders (2019/20). In the future I would like to complete the intermediate cognitive behavioural therapy training.

I work with adults and youths (starting from age 16).